{\b Build Tags} \pard Build tags enable different topics to be included within a project depending on the version required. For example, if you have a Shareware version and a Professional version of your help file, you may want a particular topic page to be different for each version. Rather than maintain two separate project files (which you could do), you can include two topic files with the same context ID and use the build tags feature to select the required topic in the help file. The help compiler builds the help file selecting the required page. This topic file is BLDTAG2.TXT and along with BLDTAG1.TXT demonstrates how build tags operate. This topic is the 'Shareware' version and has the SHAREWARE build tag set. You can see this by selecting the File/Topic Properties menu option. Note that build tags are user defined names and you can name them to be whatever you like, but they must not contain spaces. Select the Project/Settings menu option and click on 'Compiler Options'. Now change the 'Build Tags' to PROFESSIONAL and re-build this project. You will then note that the BLDTAG1.TXT topic will be displayed instead of this page.